JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v8.1.4 英文正式版(Java編程環境)
Intellij IDEA是一個綜合性的Java編程環境,被許多開發人員和行業專家譽為市場上
IntelliJ IDEA is an intelligent and ergonomic
Java development environment, delivering dozens
of new usability features and concepts, not found
in other products. It proves that the routine
process of coding can be made pleasurable and
very efficient at the same time. Among the
standard features of a modern IDE like syntax
highlighting, simple code completion, integrated
compiler and visual debugger, IntelliJ IDEA
offers a wide range of productivity features
like: Highlighting of unimported class usages and
easy insertion of required import statements,
"Introduce Variable" code refactoring, Global
usage search of any code element, Advanced code
completion (3 types), Navigation to a class
source by its short name, Navigation to a super
method, elements type and declaration,
Auto-indentation of pasted text, Insertion of
necessary import statements when copying code
fragments between different files, Navigation to
the source from exception stack traces while
running/debugging, Renaming/moving of packages,
classes, methods, fields, method parameters and
local variables with reference correction, and more.
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v8.0.1 英文正式版(編程開發軟體)
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate v14. MacOSX 英文正式版(商業化銷售的Java集成開發軟體)
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v11.0.2 Ultimate Edition EMBRACE 英文正式版(商業化銷售的Java集成開發環境工具軟體)
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v12.0.123.72 Ultimate Edition EMB 英文正式版(商業化銷售的Java集成開發軟體)
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v10.5.2 Ultimate Edition 英文正式版(商業化銷售的Java集成開發環境工具軟體)
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate v14. 英文正式版(商業化銷售的Java集成開發軟體)
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v10.0.3 Ultimate Edition 英文正式版(商業化銷售的Java集成開發環境工具軟體)